Extra-curricular music

The music department has a broad, inclusive and aspirational extra-curricular programme. Our ensembles cater for instrumentalists of all abilities. Most of our groups and choirs are non-auditioned and repertoire is programmed and arranged to suit the needs and experience of the player or singer.

The chamber orchestra, chamber choir and big band require an audition or for students to have achieved a minimum grade (or equivalent standard) to gain entry. This allows for flagship ensembles/choirs to not only develop the skills of our most advanced musicians but to serve as something to which younger musicians can aspire.

All groups perform regularly in school concerts. The choirs perform at the school carol service and commemoration service and the big band is regularly invited to play at festivals and community events around North Yorkshire. The chamber choir regularly sings Evensong at Ripon Cathedral and have been invited to perform with the cathedral choir on several occasions.

We strongly believe that standards matter. No matter the repertoire or the experience of the musician we encourage them to give the very best of themselves. Students thrive on being challenged and the fruits of their labour are more richly savoured. Our department calendar shows the significant number and variety of events we stage or take part in over the year. With only one half hour rehearsal a week, regular attendance from students is very important. Early lunch passes are available to all students who take part in a lunchtime rehearsal.

The programme for 2023-2024 can be viewed by clicking here.

The programme for 2024-2025 can be viewed by clicking here.

Instrumental Tuition

As part of the music provision we offer tuition on a wide variety of instruments/voice which are taught by highly trained visiting professionals. Lessons are taught during the school day and instrumental timetables are on a rotation system to ensure the same lesson is not missed each week. Sixth form students are allowed to opt for a fixed lesson during free periods. Applications for lessons can be made through the following link: https://forms.gle/WTmF8MK2bR1P2Wm88

The school possesses a number of instruments available for loan to students having lessons in school; more details can be obtained from the Director of Music.