Psychology trip

On Thursday 28th June 30 of the Lower Sixth Psychology students visited York University Psychology Department. The department is ranked 13th for Psychology undergraduate degrees and was holding a Sixth Form conference, with students attending from all over the country.

In preparation for the day the students had been very busy conducting their own experiments into an area of their choosing to showcase as part of a competition. We are delighted to announce that our students won both the public vote competition and the lecturers choice competition.

Taking the prize in the lecturers vote category were Caspian Barker and James Houseman, who were confident and passionate in their interview with department staff. The professors at York were impressed with their in depth knowledge of their project that investigated the link between binge-drinking and low happiness levels. Although no cause and effect could be claimed they were able to demonstrate their skills in data collection and analysis whilst demonstrating an insight into problems faced by their generation. They were presented with their prize by the esteemed psychologist and professor at York, Alan Baddeley, who pioneered the concept of 'working memory', which makes up a large proportion of the Psychology AS Level.

Fighting off strong entries from other schools to win the public vote were Marnie Botros, India Hammond and Sophie Winkle with their investigation into the effects of the TV show 'Love Island'. Interestingly they found that people who watch the show have a stronger preference for digitally enhanced faces when compared to non-viewers. With their topically relevant aims and well executed analysis they secured the people's choice prize.

The conference was excellent with a range of psychology lectures from esteemed researchers, hands on practicals and lots of opportunities to take part in experiments. A great day was had by all of our Ripon Grammar students who should each be commended for their research projects and their love of learning.