Paracetamol Permission Letter

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Administration of Paracetamol in School

Please find enclosed Request to Administer Medication form which needs to be completed and signed before we can administer paracetamol for pain relief to your child; we are no longer able to take verbal permission to do so. A record will be kept of the administration of paracetamol and your child will receive a letter to confirm dose, date and time.

Our documentation and protocol has been modified to conform to a recently updated procedure document from North Yorkshire County Council.

The information you provide will be held securely and only those responsible for the administering of medication will have access to it.

If you have any concerns or queries do not hesitate to contact me by telephone on 01765 602647

ext 227 or by email

Yours sincerely

Mrs S. McIntyre

School Health Worker.