Farewell to the wonderful Class of 2024

From embarking on a wide range of university courses to  far-flung travel during a gap year or taking professional qualifications, head of sixth form TERRY FELL wished all our upper sixth students the best of luck in their bright futures as they enjoyed their last day at RGS, with their very own Leavers' Awards ceremony

"Such bright and varied routes as our students spread their wings and scatter across the country, and the world, in the months and years ahead. Such exciting possibilities, and such ambition and resourcefulness.

"Be aware of all the almost infinite possibilities and options that lie ahead for you, and embrace the freedom that they offer you to do whatever you wish, and to be whatever you like.

"We wish you the happiest of summers, when the work is done and the exams are over. Enjoy the pressure lifting off. your shoulders; enjoy the opportunity to take full steer of your lives; enjoy the adventures and experiences that lie ahead of you, take good care of yourselves and your friends, know that we will miss you, but also that we are rooting for your success and happiness.

"As Grace Nichols says: 'Go to your wide futures' and go well."