FRGS: Students benefit from parent fundraising

Friends of RGS chair RUTH CURTIS looks back on a successful year of fundraising which has seen students benefit from a range of fantastic purchases enhancing school life

IT’S been a busy year for FRGS, creating and developing a newly formed committee with the vision to provide enrichment opportunities for students, staff, parents and the wider community of RGS.

A student survey, through form captains, and an on-line parental survey were conducted to facilitate the student/parent voice, and to help shape our fund-raising efforts and allocation of funds. New benches and bike racks have been provided based on this feedback, with an upcycling project of picnic tables underway and ready for use in spring.

This year through departmental bids, we have supported the funding of 20 new library chairs, medals for the sports presentation evening, a third share of hockey goals, aqua dumbbell weights, sports house tops, three art guillotines and contributing to the framing of Team GB cyclist and past pupil Abi Smith's Commonwealth cycling jersey.

We have also been generously gifted a £500 donation for new netball kit, from a parent of the school.

In our first year as a committee, we held the school’s first family fun run, which hopefully will become an annual event and grow in numbers each year. 

We have supported all requests from school for attendance at events ranging from: open days, options evenings, house drama competitions, music concerts, school productions, sports presentation and awards evenings, alongside supporting whole school sports day for the first time. Supporting the school for such events with selling refreshments has raised in the region of £4,000.

The end of our first year culminated with the Renaissance Ball in November raising a magnificent £13,812.17. The vision and marketing of a Health, Fitness & Well-Being Suite, combined with 222 ticket sales and support from the staff and parent body with hamper donations and purchase of raffle tickets, together with the enormous generous support from local businesses fuelled a fund-raising mission. Added to this a highly successful on-line Auction of Promises, Gift Tree and traditional Auction on the evening all helped raise these much-needed funds for the school. A phenomenal team effort to raise such a huge amount.

For 2023, we are currently looking at funding new lighting in the school reception area and looking at ways to raise funds for IT and to support academia.

New events for 2023 include for spring a family quiz night with supper and a summer BBQ with disco, bar and family games. Details to follow.

On the back of the success of the Renaissance Ball, there is going to be a sequel this coming autumn, named The 1555 Ball, date to be confirmed.

FRGS is extremely lucky to have the commitment of its core committee, helped by some additional helpers and bakers, who provide essential support to the effective working of the committee. However, we need these numbers to grow, specifically additional helping hands with serving refreshments at organised school events.

If you are interested in either joining the committee or just able to help out on the odd occasion at school events, please get in contact with Friends of School.

*Friends of RGS informal get-together, Friday, February 3, 7pm, Claro Lounge, Ripon. Formal meeting, Bishopton House, RGS, Tuesday, February 21, 5pm. All welcome.