Bobbi cuts off long locks for charity

A KIND-HEARTED 12-year-old has gone to extreme lengths to help children with cancer.

Ripon Grammar School pupil Bobbi Todd has been growing her Rapunzel-like hair for six years in order to donate it to The Little Princess Trust, which makes wigs for children who have lost their hair through cancer treatment.

Keen singer, actress and runner, Bobbi, from Ripon, follows in the footsteps of her older sister Tina, 18, a sixth former at RGS, who had 32cm of her hair cut off for the charity last February.

The generous Ripon siblings were inspired to begin growing their hair for the charity when their sister-in-law Colleen told them about the wonderful work The Little Princess Trust does for children with cancer.

Bobbi was aiming to donate at least 30cm but when she realised the charity prefer 40cm lengths for wigs, she agreed to go for a shorter style.

She said: “It was scary at first as I have had long hair for so long, but I just thought about the children who were going to be helped. I went a bit shorter than I was planning, to donate more, but am happy with it as I managed to donate 40cm to the charity.

“This is an amazing charity as they provide free, real-hair wigs to children who have lost their hair through treatment.

“My target was to raise £200 and so far I have raised £160. It would be great to raise as much as possible as it costs the charity around £700 to make one wig for a child. If anyone would like to support me, any donation would be very much appreciated."

Mother Samantha said: “When the girls were younger Colleen told them if they ever cut their hair that they could donate it to the charity.This stayed with them and they always said they wanted to do it in the future. After Tina donated last February, Bobbi decided now was the time for her to do the same. She has also said she would do it again in the future when it grows back."

“Although we have had family members who sadly have had cancer, we are thankful that it has not affected any children in our family and therefore have not had the need for the Little Princess Trust.

“The girls love having nice hair and appreciate how devastating it would be to lose your hair through cancer treatment whilst also battling the illness and they both wanted to do something to help the charity in this way. The family is very proud of them both."

Stylist Carla, of Rae Hair Studio in Leeds, who cut both girls’ hair, said after cutting Bobbi’s hair: “This incredible 12 year old has the most pure heart; she has been planning this, and growing her hair for ages, simply to help out other little girls who are in need, donating her beautiful Rapunzel-like hair to The Little Princess Trust.

“Bobbi is a very special girl, beautiful before and after. It was an honour to be picked to do this humbling haircut.”

The Just Giving link is :-

Samantha Todd is fundraising for The Little Princess Trust (