CAREERS: A net zero future built on STEM

BUSINESS studies students visited the Cummins Engineering in Darlington to gain first-hand experience of a major international engineering company with plants through the UK, writes head of careers BOB WALKER

Students were introduced to the history of the Cummins company, which was founded in 1919 by Clessie Cummins in America and has expanded to a global company operating in 190 countries over the past 100 years.

A representative of Accelera - a branch of the Cummins brand whose primary purpose is to develop alternative powerplant solutions with ultimate goal of becoming net zero – delivered a lecture to students about the many products being developed to help solve the power needs of the future including, electrolysers, hydrogen cells and high-voltage battery packs. Students how, since one eco solution does not fit all power needs so, Accelera has acquired seven eco engineering companies in order to help develop a wide range of products.

The students were also given a guided tour of the engine manufacturing plant by three students working at Cummins as part of their four-year degree course. They were shown the different manufacturing stages and techniques and many were impressed by the robots helping to build engines for many different purposes.