Dear parents,
In December I emailed regarding a visit from the HDFT School Age Immunisation Team to vaccinate students in year 9 against Tetanus, Diphtheria and Polio and against Meningitis.
If you have already given online consent for this vaccination, please ignore this email.
However, the Immunisation Team have asked that we share this information with parents again in a bid to ensure that as many students as possible receive protection against these potentially life-threatening illnesses.
The team will be visiting school on February 2nd to deliver both vaccines for those students where consent has been given. The online consent form for the Tetanus, Diphtheria and Polio and for the Meningitis vaccine can be accessed here:
Vaccination Consent (
The school code is HD121694.
If you have any problems completing the online consent form you can contact the consent team on 0300 003 2554.
A letter about these vaccinations from the School Age Immunisation Service and a leaflet with further information are both attached to this email.
With best wishes,
Ben Fearnley
Assistant Headteacher
(Teaching and Learning)