School Challenge Quiz

The Junior Schools' Challenge team took part in a very tightly fought Yorkshire round of the national quiz tournament on 11th March, hosted this year by RGS. The team Freddie Dunn, Alex Dale and Jie Yaw, captained by James Dobbs were very impressive in a series of matches against Argyle House, Barnard Castle and Yarm. Winning two matches put them in joint first place with Barnard Castle, but alas we were pipped to the post on aggregate points, and so are this year's regional runners up, having scored an astounding 1100 points on the day.


How would you have done in the quiz?

Some sample starter questions below:
What or whom does a misogynist dislike? Women
What is broken or exceeded when a sonic boom is created? The sound barrier / speed of sound
Which book of the New Testament records the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and the visit of the shepherds? Gospel of Luke
Which chemical formula represents ice? H2O (identical to water!)
What colour is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? White [House]
Which boy, created by J.M. Barrie, refused to grow up? Peter Pan
Which profession was shared by John Nash, Inigo Jones and Christopher Wren? Architect
In which continent are the Patagonian Desert and the Atacama Desert? South America
If A is Alpha, what is F? Foxtrot
What takes place at Royal Ascot? Horse-racing
Which German musical family had members called Johann Christian, Carl Philip Emanuel and Johann Sebastian? Bach

On Friday the 11th of March the junior quiz team, Alex Dale, Freddie Dunn, Jie Yaw and James Dobbs (Captain), took part in Schools Challenge a national quiz competition for secondary schools. We competed against three other schools: Argyle House, Barnard Castle and Yarm. We started off with a solid start winning the first match but then narrowly lost the second with 360 to 380. We then stopped for a short lunch break where refreshments were provided by the school canteen. After lunch we had one more match against the leading team, Barnard Castle, we all pulled together and won 210 to 240! We were now tied with Barnard Castle with two wins and one loss each so they had to add the scores up! It was very tense: as they were adding up the scores as we knew it had been close. Barnard Castle had scored 1170 and us 1100. They had won but only by a small amount but, even though we had lost, we weren't put down: we’ll be back next year! With thanks to Mrs Mars who was a great quiz master and organiser.

Written by Alex Dale.