ENGLISH: Lewis wins praise for lockdown poem

A 12-YEAR-OLD RGS student has won a headmaster’s commendation for an illuminating poem he has written about his experience of lockdown.

Tasked with writing a sonnet for his English class’s Window on the Past topic, Lewis Campbell chose to focus on the Covid-19 pandemic in his first attempt at poetry.

The aspiring engineer, from Ripon, said: “My experience has been a mixture of good days and tricky days. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place and I feel lucky to have such lovely friends and the support of RGS."


By Lewis Campbell

Kept inside our homes as the virus spreads.

Leaving us at home, feeling dread.

Sir Tom Moore doing laps of his garden to his gate.

Clapping for the NHS on a Thursday night at eight.

Classes online and away from friends.

When will this madness come to an end?

Darker days as we sit at home and wait.

Leaving us with a tired mental state.

Hope like spring emerges from the dark.

Vaccines, warmer weather and amusement parks.

There is light at the end of this tunnel.

Life will go back to being functional.

We can go outside and enjoy the beautiful wildlife.

Going back to a normal life

Lewis explained: “The pandemic is a landmark moment in history and an experience we are all living through and can relate to. Inspiration came from my own personal feelings and those of people around me. It was difficult not being in school learning with my new friends but RGS has done a fantastic job of providing interesting online lessons.

"We are lucky we live at a time where we have access to such amazing technology and we can keep in touch with friends and support one another with online learning.”

He said putting on his trainers on and getting out at least three times a week to run around Studley with his dad and dog Betty was one of the things that had helped him cope in lockdown, as well as keeping in touch with his friends gaming and chatting online.

English teacher Mrs Mars described Lewis’s poem as fantastic: “I loved his choice of subject and his use of wit,” she said.