FRIENDS of RGS: September meetings

Wednesday Sept 21: informal meeting in Claro Lounge, Ripon, from 5pm (to pack up raffle tickets for the Renaissance Ball which will be sent home from school on Friday Sept 23). 

Wednesday Sept 28: formal FRGS meeting at Bishopton House, RGS, 4pm to 5.30pm

Wednesday Sept 28: Sports presentation evening - FRGS will be serving Pimm's and home-baked savoury and sweet treats at 6pm, before the evening commences at 6.30pm. A lovely opportunity to socialise ahead of the formal presentations.

If you're interested in being added to our baking or event WhatsApp and email help groups please email for more information.

And don't forget to buy your tickets for our Renaissance Ball on November 19 - on sale until the end of September!