STUDENT BLOG: Are sixth formers ready for a citizen army?

'I’m sure we’re all caught up with the news about calls for a ‘citizen army’ to prepare Britain for war. However, are the young citizens of Ripon Grammar School ready to respond?' says sixth former ADAM DICKINSON

To be clear, a citizen army is not conscription but instead we have received warnings to be prepared for a mass mobilisation in a time of war, requiring the training of a reserve.

And there are fears that a citizen army of any size could, in fact, mean a conscript army.

Conscription hasn’t been used in the UK for more than 60 years but comments from top military officials about what could happen if NATO goes to war with Russia have made the possibility of being called up to fight feel closer than it has in generations.

With rising tensions surrounding Taiwan; increased tension in the Middle East; and major war unlike anything seen in Europe for many years, the lack of readiness of the UK for an invasion has become increasingly obvious.

However, it will be the general public who makes up the ranks of a citizen army and they have their own thoughts on this.

Many members of RGS sixth form have expressed mixed views on the topic.

When asked about the idea of a citizen army, James Brinetold me: "I think it's a worrying proposition in a time when the main agenda should be peace. Yes, a strong defensive strategy is always needed but there is no need in a modern circumstance to have to enlist a civilian army in almost any situation.”

Tassy Bell had other ideas: “So, it's clear we're entering a period of wider conflict, with both the Israel-Gaza crisis, and the Russia-Ukraine war and increasing division and tension in the West.

“Some preparation for the worst-case scenario where the UK has to get involved is necessary. At the moment our entire army can fit inside Wembley Stadium, that will not be able to support us in the worst-case scenario.

“While the idea of a citizen army sounds frightening, and it represents what could be a huge change to our lives, it may play an important role in preserving what we hold most dear to us.”

Oliver Kitson agreed: "It is important for the UK to maintain a strong military with the looming threat of Russia and when the time is right a citizen army is a good option."

George Curtis added: “Our military has been lacking for a long time now, so it is a good idea.

Hattie Dixon summed up the fears of many: “I think it's a pretty scary idea.”

To conclude then, RGS students have many concerns over the prospect of being in a citizen army and feel that if war were to come, it would be horrific.

However, many feel our Army has been lacking for a long time now and that they would, perhaps, help fill our depleted ranks and defend the UK if war was to arrive.