Students determined make their mark on our landscape

AVA EDWARDS (pictured above, left) explains why students who feel passionate about our environment have been getting involved in our tree-planting drive

DURING National Tree Week, Mr Bruce has arranged for students at RGS to participate in planting a series of new hedgerows on school grounds. This huge project is to encourage biodiversity, as there has been a huge decline in both animal and insect species since the Second World War.

Beforehand, Mr Bruce held assemblies with all year groups to express why he felt so passionate in the project. He explained the importance of students getting involved, not only to get close to nature but also to leave their legacy behind in school.

The aim is to create six new hedgerows by planting 3,000 young trees at various parts of the school grounds.

Year 7 students had the chance to spend a morning helping in the planting process. They enjoyed the process, working in teams to help each other out.

Likewise, sixth formers also had the opportunity to take part one afternoon during enrichment time. 

Hannah Burfield says: “I found it really relaxing and wholesome. It was a good way to spend time with my friends and do something good for the environment too. I really enjoyed it!”

Over the course of a single week, students managed to plant 2,000 trees. This project will continue into the future with the after-care of these saplings, including regular weeding and watering.