Work experience

Students have the opportunity to undertake two formal work experience placements in their time at school. Year 10 students undertake a week-long placement in the summer term usually the week before the summer term half term break. Lower sixth students have the opportunity to undertake a week-long placement in the latter part of the summer term.

The aim of our work experience programme is to give students the opportunity to gain an insight into the world of work either to help them with their career choice or to enable them to see the skills and qualifications needed in the modern economy. We consider that it is essential for students to relate learning to the world of work and the opportunities enjoyed by students at Ripon Grammar School for encounters with the world of work are further extended through enterprise activities and the involvement of employers within the curriculum and careers events. Students have progressive opportunities, from Year 7 to 13, to engage with employers from businesses and other organisations, which is known to have a positive impact on future individual success within the labour market.

We are supported in providing our work related learning programme by NYBEP (North Yorkshire Business and Enterprise Partnership) who undertake health and safety checks for the placements. Our link with NYBEP also gives us access to their employer database detailing employers who have supported the work experience programme in the past.

Many other schools conduct a similar work experience programme with students going on placement at some point in the year. There is inevitably competition for places and students are encouraged to start the process of finding a placement as early as possible. We ask that parents and students talk about possible placements and the sort of experience the student hopes to have. Where parents and students have their own contacts for such placements, it would be helpful for them to make an initial enquiry and to keep Mr Walker informed of any progress made.

For sixth formers there is wider scope for work placements outside North Yorkshire with many national and international firms offering work experience. Competition for these places is intense and many ask for applications up to twelve months in advance. Students are supported through the work experience process by the Events, Work Experience and Enterprise Co-ordinator Mr B Walker and pastoral staff.

Mr Walker can be contacted either by telephone on 01765 602647 ext 229 or by emailing