Students across all year groups participate in a structured and comprehensive programme of Careers Education, complementing and supporting the Careers Information, Advice and Guidance provision within school. This is delivered through PSHCE lessons and Tutor Groups in Years 7 to 11 and through both Enrichment activities and Tutor Groups within the Sixth Form. A progressive programme of activities from Year 7 onwards, including opportunities to work and engage with employers across many job sectors including STEM areas, helps students to develop self-awareness, explore career paths in relation to labour market information and to manage individualised career development.
In addition, regular events are organised for students throughout the school year, including an annual Careers and Higher Education Evening and a Study Abroad Fair together with a monthly Careers Club, which aim to provide students with information about the breadth of careers and study options available.
The main programme of careers events and activities is summarised below:
Details about Lower Sixth Careers and Work Related Information can be found here