Mrs H Mars
The PSHCEe programme at Ripon Grammar School aims to equip pupils with the skills and knowledge they need to make the most of their lives. The curriculum is designed to encourage pupils to examine their own views and feelings and to consider and respect those of others.
PSHCEe supports the delivery of the National Curriculum for Citizenship and the statutory Relationships, Health and Sex Education.
Our programme is based around three key themes: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.
Mrs Mars talks about how students are encouraged to thrive both as individuals and active members of society in her classes, which explore everything from personal safety and physical and mental wellbeing to politics and understanding the wider world. Click on the play button below to hear more:
Summary of Subject Content
Pupils have 1 40-minute lesson of PSHCEe each week. The groups are of mixed ability and taught as a form. The programme is supported by form time and assembly content. There are also a number of additional PSHCEe activities during the school year.
PSHCEe is assessed within the school by one formal examination in the summer term. Students’ progress is also assessed termly using the work completed in class, either through end of unit assessments or set tasks.
Year 7 programme
Year 8 programme
Year 9 programme
From 2022, PSHCEe lessons have been introduced at KS4 and lessons on the content listed below are taught on a carousel alongside some RE content (denoted with * ). Additional content is delivered through the curriculum, in form time and through additional events as appropriate. KS4 students also have more careers and work-related topics supported by their involvement in a Work Experience Week in the Summer Term.
10.1 Medical and self care
10.5 Self image and the media
11.3 First aid refresher; sex and fertility
10.2 Relationships*, communication and loss
10.3 Personal safety, extremism and War*
11.4 Parenting
10.4 Work and health and safety
10.6 Work experience and reflections
11.1 Financial and career planning
11.2 Medical ethics*
11.5 Crime and punishment
* Denotes Short Course GCSE RE syllabus
Appropriate PSHCEe topics are delivered as part of the Academic Enrichment programme on Fridays during Periods 4 and 5, and this is enhanced by topics delivered through the curriculum, in form time and through additional events. Topics include relationships, attitudes, values, health and personal safety and the programme is updated annually and overseen by the Sixth Form Team.
The Curriculum Plan can be viewed here.
The PSHCEe programme lends itself well to special events during the school year. These events vary from year to year but may include: